Mmmmm tacos and brownies... we are the pictures of health right now. Honestly I cook and eat incredibly healthy but I don't post that stuff because really who wants to see me have hummus and veggies and salads everyday. After a LONG week of running and a marathon rock climbing session today with Tom we decided to make something fun for dinner. I haven't had tacos in forever and Tom loves cream cheese brownies so we went to Whole Foods, got some supplies and settled in on this rainy night to cook and watch movies (Zombieland is awesome!).
Mix one jar of taco sauce with, 1/2 can black beans, 1/2 cup of frozen or fresh corn, and 1/2 package of yves meatless grounds or taco stuffers in a saucepan. Heat until slightly thickened. Serve in taco shells with avacado, shredded lettuce, salsa and guacamole and of course anything else you might want.

Ghiradelli chocolate chip brownie mix
1/3 cup water mixed with 1&1/2 tsp ener-g egg replacer
1/4 cup vanilla soy yogurt
1/3 cup melted smart balance
Cream Cheeze (whisk together):
8oz Tofutti
3 TBS smart balance
1/3 cup sugar
2TBS vanilla soy yogurt
tsp vanilla
Set oven to 325. Mix brownie stuff together and pour 1/2 in 9x9pan. Add cream cheese mixture and the rest of brownie mix. Swirl together and bake 45min. Let cool and cut! TIP: line pan with parchment paper and spray with pam. When cool lift brownies out and chill in fridge 30min before cutting.
Here are some pictures from our deck-Tom and I just moved into the city in October and hadn't had a chance to spend much time on our deck. With all the nice weather we've been spending more time out there and thought we would try our hand at growing some stuff!